1. First Day at work: Introducing Yourself and Others 2. The Company: Talking about Company Hierarchy and Organisation 3. A Day At The Office: Talking about Daily Routines 4. At the Airport: Talking about Travel, Booking a Flight, Changing Money 5. The Hotel: Talking about Facilities, Reservations and Services. Unidad I Repaso: Revision and appendices6. At the Restaurant: Talking about Food and Booking a Table7. A company history: The growth of the familiy business 8. The CV and Covering Letter: Applying for a Job 9. The Interview: How to Get That Job.10. Forecasts, Decisions and Planning: Looking To the Future Unidad II repaso: Revision and appendices11. Trends: Describing Company Performance 12. Accounts: Balancing The Books13. Job Satisfaction and Safety at Work: Surveys and Inspections14. Improvements: Putting Suggestions into Practice 15. Back to work: Orders and Despatch Unidad III repaso: Revision and appendicesAppendices